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eTourism Conference ENTER2016 in Bilbao: Empowering places

15. February 2016

Last week IFITT oragnized an exciting ENTER2016 experience in Bilbao (Spain), full of learning, meetings, discussions, informal chats… not to mention good food and drinks!


ENTER2016 eTourism Conference

·         ENTER 2016 eTourism Program

·         Pictures of the event

·         Video recordings of keynotes sessions

·         Short papers, published as a special issue of the e-Review of Tourism Research (eRTR)

·         Presentations from the conference are available online on the SlideShare account of IFITT

·         ENTER2016 conference proceedings are online – Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2016. Editors: Alessandro Inversini and Roland Schegg (*IFITT members benefit from free access through members area)

·       Press release for ENTER2016 eTourism Conference and IFITT Awards 2016


Next ENTER eTourism Conference will be organized in Rome (Italy), January 24-27, 2017 

EMBA en innovation touristique franco-suisse : inscription pour le CAS3 « Marketing et Tourisme »

16. July 2014

L’IAE  Savoie Mont-Blanc (IAE) de l’Université de Savoie et Sciences Po Grenoble du côté français, ainsi que l’Institut de Tourisme de la HES-SO Valais et l’Institut universitaire Kurt Bösch du côté Suisse, unissent leurs efforts pour offrir un « Executive MBA » (EMBA) en innovation touristique. Cette formation transfrontalière, soutenue par le Programme de coopération territoriale européenne France-Suisse INTERREG IV A 2007-2013, entend donner aux gestionnaires du tourisme, aux cadres d’administrations communales et régionales et aux cadres d’autres secteurs en reconversion vers le tourisme, des connaissances pratiques et théoriques pour affronter les futurs défis du tourisme et les enjeux liés à l'innovation.

e-Tourism Framework (eTF) : new skills and job profiles in a digital tourism world world

2. August 2013

Information Communication Technologies play a critical role in the competiveness of tourism organizations and destinations as well as in the entire industry as a whole, the European Commission recently funded a series of key initiatives, among others, the eTourism Framework project.

The first newsletter has been released, you can download it here. The first newsletter presents one of the key project’s goals, which is the identification of 5 eTourism Roles (= Tourism ICT Operator; Tourism Content Curator; Tourism Destination Manager; Tourism Online Reputation Manager; and Tourism Revenue Manager), a summary of some of the project’s dissemination activities, and finally a section devoted to future events.

The eTourism Framework (eTF) project is co-funded by the Leonardo da Vinci programme of the LLP of the European Commission. The HES-SO Valais is one of the 8 partners of this project:

SwissMedia (Switzerland)
EMF-The Forum of e-Excellence (UK)
Euproma (Germany)
MPS - Maison de la Promotion Sociale (France) lab – Universita della Svizzera Italiana (Switzerland)
For S.A.S di Paolo Tubino (Italy)
E.N.T.E.R. Network (Austria)

Websites von 52 Schweizer Destinationen unter der Lupe

1. December 2011

Im Rahmen des Vertiefungskurses eTourismus an der Schweizerischen Tourismusfachschule (STF) in Siders haben 26 Studierende des 5. Semesters die Webauftritte von 52 Schweizer Destinationen analysiert. Die Websites wurden mit der interaktiven Benchmarking Plattform aufgrund von 114 Kriterien evaluiert. Die Bewertungskriterien decken sechs Bereiche ab und reichen von der Navigation bis zur Suchmaschinenoptimierung.

The Swiss Tourism sector and Web 2.0 change management - A comparison with US online newspapers

The World Wide Web influences economic sectors differently, such as newspaper business models and five key functions for tourism: promotion, distribution, communication, management and research. This study compares implementation of Web 2.0 across these two sectors, drawing on over seven thousand of websites. The study uses an automatic analysis, namely a web crawler or softbot. The results show that although the newspaper sector outperforms tourism sector in the implementation of all but two analyzed Web 2.0 features, namely videoblogs and podcasts. This result could suggest that the tourism sector focuses on features related to the travel experience.


Le marché en ligne pose un environnement dynamique

Dans une étude publilée récemment, Roland Schegg et Michael Fux, tous deux professeurs à l'Institut de tourisme de la HES-SO, montrent qu'un choix bien réfléchi et une combinaison judicieuse des canaux peuvent influer grandement sur le bénéfice net des hôteliers